Impact of Electrical Energy Sources on Historical Buildings
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Published: 7 September 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
"Efflorescence"; sometimes called "Watering and Flowering" is a natural phenomena that happens to masonry surfaces due to humidity, salts, water content, and other weathering conditions. "Efflorescence" is considered a common knowledge among the building community. The research has observed the formation of "Efflorescence" around electrical wiring extensions and other electrical energy sources that are installed over lime stone walls of historical buildings. Such observation is unfamiliar to the construction engineering community, and highlights the necessity to investigate and address the impact of electrical energy sources on historical buildings to the community of architects and restoration specialists. The research introduces investigation of such problem on six historical buildings as selected case studies from Egypt that were built with lime stone, where "Efflorescence" around electrical conduits, fans, and sound speakers installed over their stone walls were clearly spotted by naked eyes
Keywords: "Efflorescence", Electrical Wiring, Electrical Energy, Conduits, Outlets, Stone Walls, Masonry Surfaces

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How to Cite
Dr. Yasser Osman El-Gammal, Dr. Sanaa Ibrahim Abd El-Maksud. (2018-09-07). "Impact of Electrical Energy Sources on Historical Buildings." *Volume 1*, 3, 22-36